Auf dieser Seite sind wichtige Publikationen zum Thema Rehabilitation und Herzgruppen-Effizienz tabellarisch erfasst. Die Tabelle wird laufend erweitert und angepasst, um eine möglichst aktuelle Literatur-Datenbank zu Themen unserer Studienarbeit zu erstellen. Unten ist der PubMed-Search zum Thema.
- 2009 DGPR Guidelines: Leitlinie körperliche Aktivität zur Sekundärprävention und Therapie kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen
- 2020 ESC Guidelines on sports cardiology and exercise in patients with cardiovascular disease
Autoren | Titel | Zschr. | Link | ||||||
51 | Adachi T, Iritani N, Kamija K et al. | Prognostic Effects of Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients With Heart Failure (from a Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study) | A. J. Cardiol. In Press Journal Pre-Proof | Am. J.Cardiol 2021 | |||||
41 | B. Bjarnason-Wehrens, S. Böthig, O. A. Brusis et al. | Herzgruppe DGPR – Positionspapier; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Prävention und Rehabilitation von Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen e.V. (DGPR | DGPR 2013 | Link | |||||
40 | Ballin M, Nordström P | Does exercise prevent major non-communicable disease and premature mortality? A critical review based on results from randomized controlled trials | JIM accepted 2021 | zur Arbeit | |||||
45 | Barkowski J | Über den Einfluss zweier Trainingskonzepte auf Parameter der Leistungsfähigkeit bei Teilnehmern der ambulanten Herzgruppen | Inauguraldissertation Rostock 2014 | Dissertation (PDF) | |||||
1 | Baumgartner MC, | Langzeiteffekt ambulanter Herzgruppentherapie auf körperliche Belastbarkeit und kardiovaskuläres Risikoprofil, | Inauguraldissertation TU München 2015 | Dissertation | |||||
34 | Benzer W, Rauch B, Schmid JP, et al., on behalf of the EuroCaReD study group | Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in twelve European countries results of the European cardiac rehabilitation registry | Intern. J. Cardiol. 228 (2017) 58-67 | Abstract | |||||
37 | Bjarnason B, | Leitlinie körperliche Aktivität zur Sekundärprävention und Therapie kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen | Clin Res Cardiol 2009, Suppl 4:1–44 | Übersicht | |||||
44 | Bjarnason B, Held K, Karoff M | Herzgruppen in Deutschland- Status Quo und Perspektiven | Herz 2015, 31, 559 | Übersicht | |||||
2 | Bjarnason-Wehrens B | Ambulante kardiologische Rehabilitation der Phase II in Deutschland - Status Quo und Perspektiven | DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR SPORTMEDIZINJahrgang 58, Nr. 9 (2007) | Zur Übersicht (PDF) | |||||
36 | Bozkurt B, GC Fonarow, LR Goldberg et al. (2021) | Cardiac Rehabilitation for Patients With Heart Failure. | JACC Expert Panel, JACC 77,11,1454–69 | zur Arbeit | |||||
36 | Bull FC, Al-Ansari SS, Biddle S, et al. | World Health Organization 2020 guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour | Brit. J. Sports Med. 2020, 54, 24 | Zur Arbeit | |||||
3 | Christopher M. Whellan, D,L. et al. | Efficacy and Safety of Exercise Training in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure HF-ACTION Randomized Controlled Trial | JAMA (2009), 301,1439-1450 | Originalarbeit | |||||
4 | Cooper AR, B Tibbitts, C England, et al. | Potential of electric bicycles to improve the health of people with Type 3 Diabetes: a feasibilty study | (2018) . Diabet. Med. 00:1 | Abstract | |||||
38 | Donelli da Silveira A, Beust de Lima J, da Silva Piardi D, et al. | High-intensity interval training is effective and superior to moderate continuous training in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: A randomized clinical trial | Eur J Prev Cardiol 2020; 27: 1733–1743 | Abstract | |||||
5 | Edelmann F, Gelbrich G, Düngen HD, et al. | Exercise training improves exercise capacity and diastolic function in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: results of the Ex-DHF (Exercise training in Diastolic Heart Failure) pilot study. | J Am Coll Cardiol 2011; 58: 1780-1791 | Originalarbeit | |||||
6 | Emrich, A, Leonhardt, F,Werth, D,Loos | Proactive Assistance for Device-Integrated Training Adjustment in Outdoor Rehabilitation Training | Congressmitteilung DFKI Saarbrücken 2016 | ||||||
7 | Erbs S1, Höllriegel R, Linke A, et al. | Exercise training in patients with advanced chronic heart failure (NYHA IIIb) promotes restoration of peripheral vasomotor function, induction of endogenous regeneration, and improvement of left ventricular function. | Circ Heart Fail. (2010);3(4):486-94. | Originalarbeit | |||||
48 | Fletcher GF, Ades PA, Kligfield P | Exercise Standards for Testing and Training A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association | Circulation. 2013;128,873–934 | Originalarbeit | |||||
8 | Freimark D, Shechter M, Schwamenthal E, et al. | Improved exercise tolerance and cardiac function in severe chronic heart failure patients undergoing a super- vised exercise program | Int J Cardiol 2007; 116: 309-314 | Abstract | |||||
39 | Friedrich EB, Hennersdorf G, Loellgen H, et al. | The use of a new type of heart rate-controlled training system HeartGo for patients with chronic Heart failure on the pedelec | Preprint: https://www.medrxiv. org/ | Komplettpublikation | |||||
52 | Giovanuzzi E, Rezende L, Lee DH | Muscle-strengthening activities and risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and mortality: A review of prospective cohort studies | ahead of print | zur Arbeit | |||||
9 | Gohlke H, Jarmatz H, Zaumseil J, et al. | Effect of optimized integrated management on long-term effectiveness of cardiologic rehabilitation | Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2000; 125:1452–1456. | Abstract | |||||
11 | Graf C, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Löllgen H | Ambulante Herzgruppen in Deutschland – Rückblick und Ausblick | DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR SPORTMEDIZIN (2004) 12,339-346 | Übersicht (PDF) |
53 | Güder G, Wilkesman J, Scholz N et al. | Establishing a cardiac training group for patients with heart failure: the “HIP-in-Würzburg” study | Clin Res Cardiol (2021) | 10 | Guyatt GH, Sullivan MJ, Thompson PJ, et al. | The 6-minute walk: a new measure of exercise capacity in patients with chronic heartfailure | Can.Med. Ass (1985)132, 919 | Abstract | |
12 | Haberecht, O, Bärsch-Michelmann A | Herzgruppen in Deutschland: Stand und Perspektiven | (2013)Herzmedizin 4, 33-38 | Übersicht (PDF) | |||||
13 | Hein M, Boyen J, Stenner HT, et al. | Everyday pedelec use and its effect on meeting physical activityg uidelines | (2018), MHH Symposium | Abstract | |||||
14 | Höchsmann C, Meister S, Gehrig D, Gordon E,Yanlei NussbaumerLM, Rossmeissl A, SchäferJ, Hanssen H, Schmidt-Trucksäss A | Effect of E-Bike Versus Bike Commuting on Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Overweight Adults: A 4-Week Randomized Pilot Study | Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine (2018). 28(3):255–265 | Abstract | |||||
15 | Karoff M, Held K and Bjarnason-Wehrens B | Cardiac rehabilitation in Germany | European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation 2007, 14:18–27 | Originalarbeit | |||||
37 | Karvonen MJ, E Kentala, O Mustala | The effects of training on heart rate; a longitudinal study | Ann Med Exp Biol Fenn 1957;35(3):307-15 | n/a | |||||
16 | Kelly P, Kahlmeier S, Götschi T, et al. | Systematic review and meta-analysis of reduction in all-cause mortality from walking and cycling and shape of dose response relationship | (2014) Int.J. Behav.Nutr.Physiol.Act.11,132 | Abstract | |||||
17 | Keteyian S, Kerrigan SJ, Lewis B, Ehrman B, Brwander CA | Exercise Training workloads in cardiac rehabilitation are associated with clinical outcomes in pt. With heart failure | Am Heart J. 2018, 204, 76-82 | Abstract | |||||
18 | Kolenda, K-D | Sekundärprävention der koronaren Herzkrankheit: Effizienz nachweisbar | Dtsch Arztebl 2005; 102(26) | Originalarbeit | |||||
19 | Kondamudi N, Haykowsky M, Forman DE, Berry JD, Pandey A | Exercise training for prevention and treatment of heart failure | Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2017; 60: 115-120 | Abstract | |||||
50 | Könecke T, Primke D, Simon P | Dropout und Therapietreue von Herzpatiente in Rehabilitationssportgruppen – eine Übersicht über einschlägige Studien | Dtsch. Z. Sportmed. (2016) 67,244 | Originalarbeit | |||||
56 | Ladewig KH, Baumert J, Marten-Mittag B et al. | Room for depressed and exhausted mood as a risk predictor for all-cause and cardiovascular mortality beyond the contribution of the classical somatic risk factors in men | Atherosclerosis VOLUME 257, P224-231, FEBRUARY 01, 2017 | Abstract | |||||
20 | Leidl R, Schweikert B, Korber K | Kosten-Effektivität stationäre versus ambulante Rehabilitation bei Patienten nach akutem koronarem Herzereignis (SARAH-Studie) | LMU München 2006 | Abstract | |||||
49 | Leprêtre PM, Ghannem M, Bulvestre M, Ahmaidi S, et al. | Exercise-based Cardiac Rehabilitation in Coronary Disease: Training Impulse or Modalities? | Int J Sports Med (2016), 37(14):1144-1149. | Abstract | |||||
22 | Löllgen H (2015) | Gesundheit, Bewegung und körperliche Aktivität | Dtsch. Z. Sportmed.,66,139 | Übersicht | |||||
58 | Löllgen H et al. | Physical Activity and All-Cause Mortality | Int J Sports Med 2009; 30: 1–12 | Abstract | |||||
47 | Löllgen H, Leyk D, | Exercise Testing in Sports Medicine | Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2018 115(24): 409–416. | Originalarbeit | |||||
21 | Long L, Anderson L, He I, et al. | Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for stable angina: systematic review and meta-analysis | Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2019 Nov 22 | Originalarbeit | |||||
42 | Mach F, Baigent C, Catapano AL et al. | 2019 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias: lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk | Eur. Heart J., 41, 2020, 111–188 | Übersicht | |||||
46 | Mucha C | Herzgruppen in Deutschland – Anspruch und Wirklichkeit | Physiotherapie in Theorie und Praxis,11, 2012 | Originalarbeit | |||||
23 | Mudge AM, Denaro CP, Scott AC, Meyers D, et al. | Addition of supervised exercise training to a post-hospital disease management program for patients recently hospitalized with acute heart failure: the EJECTION-HF Randomized Phase 4 Trial. | JACC Heart Fail 2018; 6: 143-152 | Originalarbeit | |||||
43 | Mummert R., D-A-C H Gruppe | Kardiologische Rehabilitation im deutschsprachigen Raum Europas Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz (D-A-CH) | AWMF 133-001 v. 10.12.2020 | Zur Übersicht | |||||
36 | O’Neill, D., & Forman, D. E. | . The importance of physical function as a clinical outcome: Assessment and enhancement. | Clinical Cardiology, 2019; 43(2), 108–117 | Originalarbeit | |||||
55 | Paluch AE, Bajpai S, Bassett DR et al. | Daily steps and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of 15 international cohorts | The Lancet VOLUME 7, ISSUE 3, E219-E228, MARCH 01, 2022 | Originalarbeit | |||||
24 | Parzanka Susanne | Die Wirksamkeit kardialer Rehabilitation in Deutschland: Systematische Literaturübersicht mit integrierten Metaanalysen | Inaugural-Dissertation Lübeck 2014 | Dissertation | |||||
38 | Peter, R.S., Jaensch, A., Mons, U. et al. | Prognostic value of long-term trajectories of depression for incident diabetes mellitus in patients with stable coronary heart disease | Cardiovasc Diabetol 20, 108 (2021) | zur Arbeit | |||||
25 | Peterman HE et al. | Pedelecs as a physically active transportation mode | Eur. J. Appl.Physiol. 2016 116, 1565 | Originalarbeit | |||||
26 | Rauch B, Constantinos H D, Doherty P, et al. | The prognostic effect of cardiac rehabilitation in the era of acute revascularisation and statin therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized and non-randomized studies – The Cardiac Rehabilitation Outcome Study (CROS) | Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2016 Dec; 23(18): 1914–1939. | PDF Originalarbeit |
54 | Schrader B, Bünker AM, Conradi C et al. | Regular Exercise is Associated with a More Favorable Cardiovascular Risk Profile, Better Quality of Life, Less Depression and Less Psychological Stress | Int J Gen Med. 2022; 15: 545–554. | DOI: Originalarbeit |
27 | Schwaab B, Riemer T, | Cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction ; effect on mortality, morbidity, medication and lifestyle changes, | Eur. Heart J.32, 2011, Suppl. 389 | n/a | |||||
28 | Schwarz S, Boscheri A, Christle J, et al. | Körperliches Training in der Therapie von Herzerkrankungen – Klinische Evidenz und zukünftige Optionen | Herz 2016; 41: 159-172 | Abstract | |||||
29 | Stamm-Balderjahn, S; Brünger, M; Michel, A; Bongarth, C; Spyra, K | Wirksamkeit von Zielvereinbarungen in der kardiologischen Rehabilitation Eine genderspezifische randomisierte kontrollierte Studie | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2016; 113: 525-31 | Originalarbeit | |||||
30 | Steinacker JM, Liu Y, Stilgenbauer F, Nething K | Körperliches Training bei Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz | DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR SPORTMEDIZIN Jahrgang 55, Nr. 5 (2004) 124-130 | Übersicht | |||||
40 | Stensvold D, Viken H, Steinshamn SL et al. | Effect of exercise training for five years on all cause mortality in older adults—the Generation 100 study: randomised controlled trial | BMJ 2020;371 | Abstract | |||||
36 | Stewart S, Playford D, Scalia DM, et al. | Ejection fraction and mortality: a nationwide register‐based cohort study of 499 153 women and men | Europ. J. Heart Fail. 2020, epub ahead of print | Abstract | |||||
39 | Tanaka H, Monahan KD, Seals DR | Age-predicted maximal heart rate revisited | JACC, 37, 153-156, 2001 | zur Arbeit | |||||
31 | Taylor RS, Long, L, IMordi, IR | Exercise-Based Rehabilitation for Heart Failure, Cochrane Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis | (2019) Heart Failure VOL. 7, NO. 8, 2019 | Abstract | |||||
57 | Terada T, Cotie LM, Tulloch H et al. | Sustained Effects of Different Exercise Modalities on Physical and Mental Health in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial | Can. J. Cardiol. 2022; | Abstract | |||||
32 | Vanhees L, De Sutter J, Geladas N, et al. | Importance of characteristics and modalities of physical activity and exercise in defining the benefits to cardiovascular health within the general population: Recommendations from the EACPR (Part I). | Eur J Prev Cardiol 2012; 19: 670–686. | Abstract | |||||
33 | Völler H, Hahmann H, Gohlke H, Klein G, et al. | Auswirkungen stationärer Rehabilitationauf kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktoren bei Patienten m. KHK | Dtsch. Med. Wschr. (2017) 19, 7-9 | Abstract | |||||
36 | WG on Cardiac Rehabilitation & Exercice Physiology and WG on Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology | Recommendations for exercise training in chronic heart failure patients | Eur Heart J 2001; 22: 125-135 | n(a | |||||
35 | Williams N, | The Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale | Occupational Medicine 2017;67:404–405 | Originalarbeit | |||||
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PubMed Search Terms: physical exercise, rehabilitation, prognosis, morbidity, mortality
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